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Langstroth Hive Components

A Langstroth Hive is composed of:

  1. Bottom board/floor
  2. Deep Hive Body/Super
  3. 8-10 Frames with or without Foundation per Super
  4. Optionally:
    1. Queen excluder
    2. Additional Supers (Deep or Mediums)
  5. Inner Cover
  6. Outer Cover/Roof

Plans to build a 10-Frame Super (Hive Body)


  • Table saw or Skill saw
  • Drill
  • Paint brush


  • For a Deep Super: 2“ x 10” x 8' Pine board (For a Medium Super: 2“ x 8” x 8' Pine board)
    • Can use 1“ boards if desired
  • Wood glue
  • Wood screws
  • Paint


  1. Cut the 8-foot board into:
    • 2 pieces that are 19 7/8” long
    • 2 pieces that are 14 3/4“ long
  2. Cut a rabbet on the length of the 14 3/4” boards 3/8“x3/8”
  3. Drill pilot holes for wood screws through the 19 7/8“ boards into the ends of the 14 3/4” boards
  4. Glue and screw the hive body together
  5. Paint only the outside of the hive body
langstroth_hive_components.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/28 21:08 (external edit)