June Meeting: Moving Bees with Jason Deeringer on June 20

June Meeting: Moving Bees with Jason Deeringer on June 20

OBBA welcomes Jason Deeringer to present on a topic beekeepers are all interested in: how to move bees. Whether it’s moving them across the country or the backyard Jason’s extensive experience as a commerical beekeeper makes him a great person to give this talk. He will also talk about the journey to become a commerical beekeeper. Jason is a past president and past Apiary Manager of OBBA and owns Bee Serious which is a bee removal service, commericial pollination service and provider of nucs for backyard beekeepers. Join us on Thursday JUNE 20 at 7:00 PM for our monthly meeting. We will be meeting at the Orange County UF/IFAS Extension Offices.