There are many ways to contact us including email, facebook, and joining our Slack forums.
If you have a general beekeeping question, are looking for a speaker, or are looking to donate equipment or bees, please contact our Communications officer, Beth Fox.
OBBA Leadership:
- President: Heather Ferrell
- Vice President: Kathleen Cavanagh
- Treasurer: Mike Brennan
- Secretary: Open Position
Additional Positions:
- Communications: Beth Fox
- Membership: Windi Kemplin
- Apiary Manager: Justin Miller
- “New Bee” Welcoming Officer: Luna Dorsey
- Webmaster: Matthew Rensberry, Andrew Beard
Connect with us:
- Click the blue button to check out our Facebook page
- Click the green button to email us
- In your “Subject” line please write “OBBA question/comment”, so we know that the email is related to the club.
- Click the multi-colored button to join our forums (hosted by Slack)
Our Constitution and Bylaws (03/2022)